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November–December 1990
Human Factors in the Aircraft Cabin 4 pages. [PDF 28K]
Inflight safety and efficiency depend upon a proper balance of highly interactive factors that include aircraft interior design, operating procedures and passenger-cabin crew considerations.
September–October 1990
The Case for Upgrading Cabin Crew Status 4 pages. [PDF 26K]
Rising cabin crew stress levels in today’s high tech, deregulated environment call for non-traditional solutions.
July–August 1990
Improved Child Protection Endorsed 4 pages. [PDF 24K]
Flight Safety Foundation backs industry initiative recommending improvements in protection of infants and young children traveling on public carriers.
May–June 1990
Stress, Behavior, Training and Safety 6 pages. [PDF 33K]
Adequate preparation can increase orderly behavior in the event of an emergency evacuation. One approach includes development of a training program designed to qualify passengers as “licensed to fly.”
March–April 1990
Human Factors in Cabin Safety 6 pages. [PDF 150K]
Extensive cabin evacuation trials point to the need for further investigation into the considerations that can influence human survival in an aircraft emergency.
January–February 1990
Communication from the Cabin Crew to the Cockpit Crew 4 pages. [PDF 21K]
Communication by cabin crew with the cockpit can involve difficult decisions for the cabin crew because of the requirements imposed by the so-called “Critical 11 Minutes.”