6th annual Singapore Aviation Safety Seminar

Are you interested in presenting at the upcoming Singapore Aviation Safety Seminar?
• A sample closing slide to the presentation summarizing the concluding points;
• A biography of the speaker of no more than 400 words
Please submit all presentation proposals to technical@flightsafety.org
Please note:
• Presentations will be selected on the basis of content and applicability.
• Each author will be responsible for his or her own travel and accommodation costs.
• A transfer of copyright to the Foundation is required for each paper selected for presentation at the seminar.
• Submittal of an abstract or paper implies agreement that the author shall transfer copyright to the Foundation.
• Presentation duration, which includes time for question and answer, is approximately 30 minutes.
• Notification of abstract acceptance or denial will be communicated by 9 November.
Registration is free for speakers
Please submit all presentation proposals to technical@flightsafety.org