The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has set up a new aviation rulemaking committee (ARC) to help the agency create standards for remotely identifying and tracking unmanned aircraft, also referred to as drones. The ARC met for the first time last week in Washington. Flight Safety Foundation was selected to participate on what FAA is calling the Unmanned Aircraft SystemsāIdentification and Tracking (UAS-ID) ARC.
According to FAA, the ARC is to:
- Identify, categorize and recommend available and emerging technologies for the remote identification and tracking of UAS;
- Identify requirements for meeting the security and public safety needs of law enforcement, homeland defense, and national security communities for remote identification and tracking; and
- Evaluate the feasibility and affordability of the available technical solutions, and determine how well they address the needs of law enforcement and air traffic control communities.
FAA said the recommendations the ARC produces eventually could help pave the way for drone flights over people and beyond visual line of sight.
The UAS-ID ARC is to submit a recommendation report to FAA by Sept. 30.