Home » AP-SAS 2023 | Asia Pacific Summit for Aviation Safety » Agenda | AP-SAS 2023 Singapore

March 22-24, 2023 | Singapore
Please check back often, as we are updating details to the AP-SAS program weekly!
Event badges can be picked up at the registration desk each morning, outside of the Cassia Ballroom, on Level 3.
0730 – 0830 | Registration and Morning Breakfast with Exhibitors Join us for registration, breakfast and networking before the day begins. |
0830 – 0840 | Welcome Remarks Speakers:
0840 – 0900 | Opening Address Speakers:
0900 – 0930 | Keynote Address Speakers:
0930 – 1000 | Networking Break |
1000 – 1115 | High-Level Panel on Aviation Safety Moderator:
1115 – 1230 | Panel Discussion: Ensuring Safety and Resilience amid Global Aviation Shifts As the global aviation sector emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic, it faces potentially disrupting aviation shifts. The ramp up of operations to match air travel demand has strained aviation processes at airports, airlines, and air navigation services providers (ANSPs). A world-wide manpower crunch especially in experienced aviation personnel has complicated recovery plans and may have long-term repercussions. Geopolitical tensions and supply chain disruptions can unsettle current operations and forward plans. At the fundamental level, climate change has compelled many to revisit sustainability goals and implications to air operations and safety. Amidst such global aviation shifts, how can the sector deal with competing demands while sustaining its good safety performance? What can the sector do to improve resilience against sudden disruptions and to prepare early for the known challenges ahead? Panel Moderator:
1230 – 1400 | Networking Lunch |
1400 – 1515 | Panel Discussion: Managing Service Disruptions: Ensuring Safety, Building Resilience in Air Navigation Services As aviation recovers from the COVID pandemic, ANSPs will face increasing challenges to ensure operational safety in air traffic management / air navigation services arising from air traffic growth, increasing complexities in the operating environment, aging systems, and disruptive events of all types. While technology is a great enabler, systems can fail, causing disruption to services. Can ANSPs and the ATM community collaborate and be better prepared to manage safety risks arising from future disruptions? Are there lessons from the COVID pandemic and other disruptions that can be applied towards rethinking a safe and resilient global ATM that is efficient and sustainable? In this session, speakers will share their insights on the collaboration opportunities to improve resilience in air navigation services provision to ensure safe operations continually amidst the changing landscape. Panel Moderator:
1515 – 1630 | Panel Discussion: Safety Challenges amid the Pursuit of Sustainable Aviation Sustainability has become a key area of focus for the aviation sector. In the pursuit of new processes and technologies to lower the carbon footprint, existing operations may have to be adjusted. Are there potential risks or ‘blind-spots’ which could compromise safety? How can we ensure that change management and risk mitigation are robustly performed when pushing new boundaries, innovations and technologies? In this panel, speakers will discuss the potential challenges in ensuring safety amid the drive towards sustainability. Moderator:
1630 – 1700 | Networking Break |
1700 – 1800 | Presentation: Integrating Operational Safety Data in Safety Management The use of data to improve safety is now commonplace. Through the analysis of operational data, we can obtain a broader perspective of risks and hazards from various events and daily operations to inject more insight and more rigor to risk management. In this session, speakers will share their experiences on how to better harness and share safety data, and how improved application of safety data analytics has enhanced safety management and the safety of their operations. Moderator:
1800 – 1900 | Refreshments & Networking Hour |
1900 – 2130 | Welcome Reception and Dinner |
0800 – 0900 | Networking Breakfast with Exhibitors Join us for breakfast and networking before the day begins. |
0900 – 0930 | Keynote Address Speaker:
0930 – 1045 | Plenary Workshop: Instituting and Enhancing a Positive Safety Culture Moderator:
1045 – 1115 | Networking Break |
1115 – 1245 | Workshop (Flight Operations): Optimizing Operational Decision-making Tools and their Implementation Venue: Plenary Moderator:
1115 – 1245 | Workshop (Engineering): Leveraging Predictive Maintenance Regimes Venue: Workshop Room 1 Moderator:
1115 – 1245 | Workshop (Air Navigation Services / Aerodrome): Strengthening the Interface between the Air Navigation Services Provider and Aerodrome for Safer Operations Venue: Workshop Room 2 Moderator:
1245 – 1415 | Networking Lunch |
1415 – 1545 | Workshop (Flight Operations): Insights on Human Factors to Improve Flight Crew Competencies Venue: Plenary Moderator:
1415 – 1545 | Workshop (Engineering): Understanding Procedural Drift and its Effects Venue: Workshop Room 1 Moderator:
1415 – 1545 | Workshop (Air Navigation Services / Aerodrome): Rethinking Runway Safety Venue: Workshop Room 2 Moderator:
1545 – 1615 | Networking Break |
1615 – 1745 | Presentation: Safety through Learning from All Operations for Evolving Training Needs In an increasingly interconnected and complex aviation system, it is imperative to learn not only from things that rarely go wrong but also from things that go right. This session explores how training can be enhanced through distilling lessons on human performance in the context of all operations. The session also discusses how training can be customized or improved to upskill aviation personnel to remain relevant in an evolving aviation industry that places increasing emphasis on the use of technology, data and automation. Moderator:
0800 – 0900 | Morning Breakfast with Exhibitors Join us for breakfast and networking before the day begins. |
0900 – 0930 | Keynote Address Speaker:
0930 – 1045 | Panel Discussion: Human Factors in Aviation Safety – Challenges and Opportunities The human role in aviation, while one of the most important components, might be the least easily understood. In a similar paradox, humans are deemed a necessary resource for both flexibility and resilience in aviation. With such a complex nature, it is not surprising that the topic of human factors has been widely studied to better comprehend how people behave and perform, and their ability to integrate with technology safely and efficiently. The pandemic has brought into focus a particular aspect of human factors – physical and mental health and wellness, its impact on the performance of aviation personnel and safety, and the criticality to detect and address any issues early. How can organizations better manage human factors to minimize safety risks attributable to the human element, while building a positive safety culture where health and wellness issues are discussed and addressed? In this session, speakers will discuss the challenges faced when dealing with human factors in aviation, opportunities for mitigation, and good practices to upkeep the health and wellness of aviation personnel. Moderator:
1045 – 1115 | Networking Break |
1115 – 1200 | Wrap-Up: Summary of Discussion Points and Key Take-Aways Moderator:
1200 – 1215 | Closing Remarks Speaker:
1215 – 1345 | Networking Lunch |
1345 – 1700 | Site Visits Site visits are optional with only limited slots, which will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Rolls-Royce Singapore Rolls-Royce Singapore is one of the Group’s leading manufacturing, testing, training and research facilities. The Rolls-Royce Seletar Campus at Seletar Aerospace Park, which was officially launched in 2012, is the regional centre for its Civil Aerospace business. The campus also houses the Rolls-Royce Fan Blade Singapore (FBSG) facility, which manufactures the most advanced hollow titanium Wide Chord Fan Blade for Rolls-Royce Trent engines. During the site visit, participants will get an overview of the facility and how Rolls-Royce incorporates safety, data, automation and digital solutions to its operations. Venue: Seletar Aerospace Park
MITRE Asia Pacific Singapore MITRE Asia Pacific Singapore (MAPS) is The MITRE Corporation’s first Research & Development centre outside the United States, and the first of its kind in the Asia Pacific region. With support from the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore, MAPS was officially launched in 2015 at Changi Business Park, to foster a collaborative environment for governments, industry and academia to conduct joint research, analysis and solutions on global aviation challenges. During the site visit, participants will get an overview of the research facility, comprising an Air Traffic Management (ATM) experimentation laboratory which integrates all functional air traffic domains and a flight deck simulator. Venue: Changi Business Park |