The following information provides an awareness of problems that might be avoided in the future. The information is based on final reports by official investigative authorities on aircraft accidents and incidents.
Falcon got away from pilots who used the wrong procedure to resolve a hydraulic system problem on the ground.
by Mark Lacagnina | September 5, 2019
The following information provides an awareness of problems that might be avoided in the future. The information is based on final reports by official investigative authorities on aircraft accidents and incidents.
News, Mechanical Issues, Safety Recommendation
NTSB has cited problems involving the fuel selector in 104 accidents since 2008.
by FSF Editorial Staff
Alaska Airlines revamps approach and departure briefings to focus on flight-specific threats.
by Rich Loudon and David Moriarty
Study shows nearly one-fifth of business aviation pilots habitually neglected pre-takeoff control checks.
by Linda Werfelman