More than half of all aviation accident investigation reports worldwide in the past five years failed to meet international standards for “timely and thorough” reporting, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) says.
Accident/Incident Investigation, News
IATA data show aircraft accident reports are often late and lacking information.
by FSF Editorial Staff | June 22, 2023
More than half of all aviation accident investigation reports worldwide in the past five years failed to meet international standards for “timely and thorough” reporting, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) says.
Accident Investigation, In-depth Feature
Ignoring terrain warnings and the first officer’s pleas to go-around, the pilot-in-command continued a visual…
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A Bell 407’s dynamic rollover on a Gulf of Mexico helideck killed the pilot and…
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The AAIB traced the ‘extreme’ stiffness of an ATR 72’s rudder pedals to corrosion in…
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