The following information provides an awareness of problems that might be avoided in the future. The information is based on final reports by official investigative authorities on aircraft accidents and incidents.
Loss of Control–In Flight (LOC-I), Accident Investigation, On Record
Flying with known autopilot and flight instrument problems, the pilot lost control of the Citation in severe icing conditions.
by MARK LACAGNINA | March 17, 2016
The following information provides an awareness of problems that might be avoided in the future. The information is based on final reports by official investigative authorities on aircraft accidents and incidents.
A 1994 crash prompted research aimed at preventing deadly encounters with freezing droplets of rain…
by Richard J. Ranaudo
NASA flight research leads to improved safety for flight in icing conditions.
by Richard J. Ranaudo
Loss of Control–In Flight (LOC-I), Accident Investigation, Cover Story
An ice-induced stall sent a Phenom hurtling into houses near the approach end of the…
by Mark Lacagnina