The pilot of an RF Designs Mephisto drone had completed a post-maintenance test flight and was taxiing the drone to its hangar when the drone failed to respond to commands to reduce power.
Accident/Incident Investigation, News, uncrewed aircraft
When the drone did not respond to pilot efforts to reduce power, the pilot used an automatic mode switch to direct it away from people gathered at an Australian airport, the ATSB says.
by Linda Werfelman | June 14, 2022
The pilot of an RF Designs Mephisto drone had completed a post-maintenance test flight and was taxiing the drone to its hangar when the drone failed to respond to commands to reduce power.
Aircraft data showed at least one event involving loss of separation between aircraft nearing DCA…
by FSF Editorial Staff
Accident/Incident Investigation, Flight Deck, In-depth Feature
The heavy workload accompanying a smoke-in-the-cockpit event interfered with checklist completion by a Metro 23…
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