Urgent action is needed to ensure that Canada’s remote airports, especially those in the north, have adequate deicing and anti-icing equipment and that aircraft are free from ice before takeoff, the Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) says.
Accident Investigation, Aviation Weather, News
Remote Canadian airports often lack effective means of removing ice from departing aircraft, the TSB says in a report on a fatal 2017 accident.
by Linda Werfelman | November 9, 2021
Urgent action is needed to ensure that Canada’s remote airports, especially those in the north, have adequate deicing and anti-icing equipment and that aircraft are free from ice before takeoff, the Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) says.
Accident Investigation, In-depth Feature, loss of control
Inadvertent extension of the ground spoilers likely triggered the crash of a Premier 1 in…
by Mark Lacagnina
Accident/Incident Investigation, Ground Safety, News
One ground staffer’s misinterpretation of a Saab 340’s interrupted engine start and more widespread confusion…
by Linda Werfelman
Accident Investigation, Aviation History, News, TAWS
The fatal crash 50 years ago of a Boeing 727 was the impetus for implementation…
by Linda Werfelman