African aviation, ATC/ATM, News, wildlife strikes
Safety News
Drones can aid programs aimed at preventing wildlife strikes, researchers say.
Viewing 1 - 10 of 33 results
African aviation, ATC/ATM, News, wildlife strikes
Drones can aid programs aimed at preventing wildlife strikes, researchers say.
by FSF Editorial Staff
2025 schedules will reflect new rest rules and overtime limits.
by Thomas W. Young
ATC/ATM, News, Safety Oversight
FAA ATC systems are plagued by shortages of spare parts, technicians, and funding, a GAO…
by Linda Werfelman
ATC/ATM, News, Safety Management, Safety Oversight
SMS requirements in the United States are being extended to Federal Aviation Regulations Part 135…
by FSF Editorial Staff
Accident/Incident Investigation, ATC/ATM, Flight Tech, News
GPS disruptions prompt FAA to suggest pilots be ready to switch to analog NAVAIDs.
by FSF Editorial Staff
The group’s report says inadequate funding has affected staffing, facilities and equipment.
by FSF Editorial Staff
ATC/ATM, News, Safety Regulation, Unmanned Aircraft
The FAA has upgraded Mexico’s IASA safety rating to Category 1.
by FSF Editorial Staff
Airport Ops, ATC/ATM, Aviation Industry Data, News
Boeing data show 2.3 million new pilots, cabin crew and maintenance workers will be needed…
by FSF Editorial Staff
ATC/ATM, conflict zones, News, Runway Safety
ICAO has urged a new effort to win wider approval of the Safer Skies Initiative.
by FSF Editorial Staff