FAA Chief: Boeing Safety Culture Needs a Boost
Testifying before a U.S. House subcommittee, Whitaker described his agency’s increased oversight of the aircraft…
Viewing 1 - 10 of 85 results
Testifying before a U.S. House subcommittee, Whitaker described his agency’s increased oversight of the aircraft…
by FSF Editorial Staff
emerging technologies, News, Safety Regulation
Current FAA methods of aircraft certification, standards development, and data analysis must be changed to…
by Linda Werfelman
charter operations, News, Safety Regulation
The FAA wants to hold public charter flights to the same safety standards as non-public…
by FSF Editorial Staff
conflict zones, News, Safety Regulation, uncrewed aircraft
ICAO has issued new guidance for closing airspace near conflict zones.
by FSF Editorial Staff
ATC/ATM, News, Safety Regulation, Unmanned Aircraft
The FAA has upgraded Mexico’s IASA safety rating to Category 1.
by FSF Editorial Staff
Proposals to allow Hawaiian air tour aircraft to descend to lower altitudes are intended to…
by FSF Editorial Staff
Accident/Incident Investigation, News, Safety Regulation
The NTSB is calling for more conservative flight visibility minimums and better weather training for…
by Linda Werfelman
COVID-19, News, Safety Regulation, uncrewed aircraft
ICAO foresees a strengthening recovery.
by FSF Editorial Staff
News, Safety Management, Safety Regulation
A review of 19 related aviation safety recommendations says seven were met with an ‘unacceptable…
by Linda Werfelman
Cabin Safety, News, Safety Regulation, Unmanned Aircraft
The European Commission has barred Russian Airlines from EU operations.
by FSF Editorial Staff