U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Deputy Administrator Daniel K. Elwell will serve as acting FAA administrator, succeeding Michael Huerta, whose five-year term as administrator ended early Sunday morning.
“Dan’s background as a military and commercial pilot and past leadership positions in FAA and the aviation sector [ensure] a seamless transition to continue the important mission of the FAA,” Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Chao said Friday in announcing Elwell’s appointment.
Elwell has served as deputy administrator since June. He previously served as assistant administrator for policy, planning and environment; was senior vice president for safety, security and operations at Airlines for America; and served as vice president of the Aerospace Industries Association. He flew as a pilot at American Airlines for 16 years, and also was the carrier’s managing director for international and government affairs. Elwell retired from the U.S. Air Force as a lieutenant colonel and has more than 6,000 hours of combined military and civilian flight time.
With Elwell taking over as acting administrator, Carl Burleson, FAA’s deputy assistant administrator for policy, international and environment, will be assigned the duties of deputy administrator on an acting basis. Tina Amereihn, the agency’s deputy assistant administrator for information and technology, becomes FAA chief of staff, replacing Chris Rocheleau, who recently was named executive director for international aviation.