2023 FSF Press Releases, Runway Safety
Foundation Calls for Global, Coordinated Action on Runway Incursions
GAPPRI is a roadmap for addressing risk and instilling resilience.
2023 FSF Press Releases, Runway Safety
GAPPRI is a roadmap for addressing risk and instilling resilience.
by FSF Communications Staff
The global accident rate for scheduled commercial operations involving aircraft with a maximum takeoff weight…
by Frank Jackman
Fitness for Duty, Aviation Research, Human Factors
Research fails to identify ways of predicting or preventing pilot suicides and murders.
by Linda Werfelman
Loss of Control–In Flight (LOC-I), Flight Tech
Advances in visual and aural cues and warnings target wing angle-of-attack and energy state awareness.
by Wayne Rosenkrans
Audit Review, Basic Aviation Risk Standard
BARS auditors probe aircraft operators’ weaknesses.
by Linda Werfelman
Loss of Control–In Flight (LOC-I), Accident Investigation, Cover Story
An ice-induced stall sent a Phenom hurtling into houses near the approach end of the…
by Mark Lacagnina
Regulatory agencies from the United States, Canada, Brazil and Europe have signed a charter agreement…
by Frank Jackman
Ice-Protection Alerting The U.S. National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), citing a fatal 2014 crash that…
by Linda Werfelman
Fitness for Duty, Human Factors
Safety specialists inevitably struggle to comprehend murder and/or suicide attributed to a flight crewmember.
by Thomas R. Anthony
News, Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Unmanned Aircraft
The RCTA Drone Advisory Committee (DAC) will hold its first meeting on Sept. 16 in…
by Frank Jackman