Flight Safety Foundation Virtual BASS 2020

Virtual BASS 2020 – Webinar Session 1
BASS 2020 Opening and Keynote Address from FAA Administrator, Steve Dickson
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
09:30 AM – 11:00 AM EDT
This will be the first webinar session of the Flight Safety Foundation Virtual BASS 2020 Program. The Opening Keynote address will be given by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Administrator, Steve Dickson. FSF President and CEO, Dr. Hassan Shahidi will then have a virtual “Fireside Chat” with the Administrator. Later in this webinar, National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) Office of Aviation Safety Director, Dana Schulze, will provide us with an update on the work of the NTSB.
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Virtual BASS 2020 – Webinar Session 2
Impact of COVID-19: Aviation Medical Community Perspective
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
2:00 PM – 3:25 PM EDT
This will be the second webinar session in a set of four of the Flight Safety Foundation Virtual BASS 2020 Program. Its focus will be on the management of safety risks during the COVID-19 crisis. When confronted with the reality of this crisis, the Flight Safety Foundation gathered experts around the world to discuss the impact to the industry in a series of webinars and created special guidance documents for safety considerations. In this session we will review these documents and hear from industry experts Dr. Gary Toups, Senior Aviation Medical Examiner at the Mayo Clinic, and Dr. Rajni Walia, Vice President, DEKRA. Dr. Walia will address the not so hidden dangers of sleep deprivation on performance and what every organization can do now. Dr. Toups will add his own perspective and give an update on the COVID-19 pandemic and address pilot fatigue and medications.
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Virtual BASS 2020 – Webinar Session 3
Returning to Normal: What is Next?
Thursday, April 30, 2020
09:30 AM – 11:00 AM EDT
The second day of Virtual BASS 2020 starts with a fireside chat with the Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST) co-chairs Ali Bahrami – Associate Administrator for Aviation Safety at the Federal Aviation Administration, and Michael Quiello – VP of Corporate Safety at United Airlines. It continues by shifting into a more open discussion about the plans for the nation’s business aviation recovery. If you are part of the nation’s safety roundtables, you have probably focused on what is next in the plan for safety during this crisis. This will be a third webinar session in a set of four of the Flight Safety Foundation Virtual BASS 2020 Program. The open discussion will focus on action plans to bring the operational fleet back into the air safely, recognizing the lingering risks with virus exposures and logistics in managing day–to–day activities while trying to prevent any further contamination of crew members or passengers.
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Virtual BASS 2020 – Webinar Session 4
Beyond COVID-19: Looking to the Future After the Crisis Passes
Thursday, April 30, 2020
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EDT
This will be the final webinar session in a set of four of the Flight Safety Foundation Virtual BASS 2020 Program. Its focus will be on various safety issues and training opportunities that will be part of the remaining stages of the COVID-19 crisis and the continuing efforts to improve overall safety performance. We will be addressing safety in relation to Cockpit automation and a panel discussion on SMS, safety culture, data collection and data sharing. We expect to have thought provoking presentations that remind us about what we expect to confront as the industry looks past the current crisis.
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