Aircraft ground damage totals almost $5 billion a year and, without preventive action, could double to nearly $10 billion by 2035, according to a new study by the International Air Transport Association (IATA).
Ground Ops, Ground Safety, News
An IATA report says transitioning to enhanced ground support equipment (GSE) would reduce damage caused by aircraft-GSE collisions.
by Linda Werfelman | December 16, 2022
Aircraft ground damage totals almost $5 billion a year and, without preventive action, could double to nearly $10 billion by 2035, according to a new study by the International Air Transport Association (IATA).
Accident/Incident Investigation, Ground Safety, News
One ground staffer’s misinterpretation of a Saab 340’s interrupted engine start and more widespread confusion…
by Linda Werfelman
Accident/Incident Investigation, Ground Ops, News
An A330 took off without reliable airspeed information after preflight inspections failed to detect that…
by Linda Werfelman