Flight Safety Foundation, as part of its Global Safety Information Project (GSIP), is conducting a survey to identify the types and categories of safety performance indicators (SPIs) used by aviation stakeholders in managing the safety of their activities. Survey responses will be invaluable to other stakeholders, including other airlines, aircraft operators and States and, once collated, we will make the results publicly available. The survey is hosted by the Fort Hill Group on behalf of the Foundation and can be accessed by clicking here or by cutting and pasting the following link into your web browser: http://gsip.forthillgroup.com/spi-survey
The survey is open to all aviation stakeholders, and we encourage participation regardless of your type of operation or location. Thank you in advance for your time and support. Your assistance is greatly appreciated and will help advance the cause of aviation safety.
After you have taken the survey, please click the button below to see access an interactive dashboard that will enable you to see the survey results to date and to drill down into the results.