Thank you to our 2018 Host Sponsor – The Boeing Company
“I am delighted the Flight Safety Foundation has selected Seattle as the venue for this year’s International Air Safety Summit. The foundation has been a key partner of ours in identifying and helping implement safety changes that make our industry the safest form of transportation,” said John Hamilton, Boeing Commercial Airplanes vice president of Engineering and chairman of the Flight Safety Foundation Board of Governors. “Passengers expect to arrive safely at their destination and the foundation plays a key role in making sure this happens. Additionally, the rise of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is gradually becoming part of everyday life—with this technology and innovation comes additional risks that our industry must mitigate. Boeing looks forward to hosting the summit and welcoming the delegates to share best practices and key learnings to ensure our safe aviation system becomes even safer.”
Boeing is the world’s largest aerospace company and leading manufacturer of commercial jetliners and defense, space and security systems. As America’s biggest manufacturing exporter, the company supports airlines and U.S. and allied government customers in more than 150 countries. Boeing products and tailored services include commercial and military aircraft, satellite, weapons, electronic and defense systems, launch systems, advanced information and communication systems, and performance-based logistics and training. Boeing has a long tradition of aerospace leadership and innovation. The company continues to expand its product line and services to meet emerging customer needs. Its broad range of capabilities includes creating new, more efficient members of its commercial airplane family; designing, building and integrating military platforms and defense systems; creating advanced technology solutions; and arranging innovative customer-financing options.
Held annually since 1947, the Flight Safety Foundation’s International Air Safety Summit is aviation’s premier safety summit, drawing as many as 325 representatives from 50 plus countries to exchange information and propose new directions for further risk reductions. The summit covers safety, training, practical solutions, management, human factors and other issues for scheduled airlines, manufacturers and equipment suppliers, trainers, flight crews, maintenance personnel and industry executives.
IASS brings together aerospace and aviation professionals from around the globe primarily for people responsible for the following areas:
Safety in design | Manufacturing | Development |
Training | Maintenance | Operations |
Regulation |
Agenda development committee to be announced at a later date