Aviation History, Foundation Focus, News
80 Years of Aviation Safety
Flight Safety Foundation began its work at the dawn of a new era in aviation.
Viewing 1 - 10 of 49 results
Aviation History, Foundation Focus, News
Flight Safety Foundation began its work at the dawn of a new era in aviation.
by Thomas W. Young
Foundation Focus, In Memoriam, News
In Memoriam: Former Foundation president worked to achieve international cooperation on aviation safety issues.
by FSF Editorial Staff
Foundation Focus, In Memoriam, News
In Memoriam: Former Foundation president waged a vigorous campaign for aviation safety.
by FSF Editorial Staff
Topics before the ARPAC Advisory Committee include human factors, data, and decision-making.
by Harrison Wolf | FSF Associate Director
Foundation Focus, Managing Editor’s Notebook
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have all become attuned to our daily…
by Dr. Hassan Shahidi | President and CEO
Foundation Focus, President's Message
Happy anniversary! Flight Safety Foundation is celebrating 75 years. This milestone would not have been…
by Dr. Hassan Shahidi | President and CEO
Aviation Research, Foundation Focus, News
A new project aims to find better ways of addressing safety shortfalls, FSF director says.
by FSF Editorial Staff
The latest issue of the Airbus safety magazine Safety first now is available on the…
by FSF Editorial Staff
The latest issue of the Airbus safety magazine Safety first now is available on the…
by FSF Editorial Staff
Flight Safety Foundation announced Nov. 12 that Dr. Hassan Shahidi, a long-time senior executive at…
by Frank Jackman