Round Up the Unusual Suspects
Some accidents remain baffling or suspicious long after their occurrence.
Viewing 1 - 10 of 47 results
Some accidents remain baffling or suspicious long after their occurrence.
by Rick Darby
FAA manual examines programs that help build strong safety cultures.
by Linda Werfelman
An airline pilot offers tips for professionalism on, and off, the job.
by Linda Werfelman
Risk-manager mindset and attention to detail may help airline professionals avoid unprotected exposure to the virus.
by Wayne Rosenkrans
Documents Manual on Aeroplane Upset Prevention and Recovery Training Doc 10011, AN/506, First Edition. International…
by Wayne Rosenkrans
Reports Annual Safety Report 2013 U.K. Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB). 77 pp. Figures, indexes,…
Researchers examine methods of planning a simulator-based study of pilot workload management.
by Linda Werfelman