2023 FSF Press Releases, Runway Safety
Foundation Calls for Global, Coordinated Action on Runway Incursions
GAPPRI is a roadmap for addressing risk and instilling resilience.
2023 FSF Press Releases, Runway Safety
GAPPRI is a roadmap for addressing risk and instilling resilience.
by FSF Communications Staff
News, Accident/Incident Investigation
A fatigue crack in a fan blade in the engine of a Southwest Airlines Boeing…
by FSF Editorial Staff
Some 393 people were killed in civil aviation accidents in the United States in 2018,…
by FSF Editorial Staff
The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said today it has downgraded the safety rating for…
by FSF Editorial Staff
News, accident investigation, Safety Oversight
Canadian air taxi operators must act to reduce accidents in their sector of the industry,…
by FSF Editorial Staff
TAIPEI — Capt. Conor Nolan, director of safety and security at Aer Lingus, is the…
by FSF Communications Staff
Foundation’s 72nd annual IASS features experts from around the world.
by FSF Communications Staff
News, Emerging Safety Issues, Business Aviation
With improved data sharing, coordination and situational awareness, commercial space flights eventually will be able…
by FSF Editorial Staff
News, Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Most pilots preparing to land their airplanes as part of a small study were unable…
by FSF Editorial Staff
Alexandria, Virginia — In a statement released today in response to the latest congressional hearing…
by FSF Communications Staff
News, Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Many law enforcement officers are uncertain how to respond to drone incidents within their jurisdictions…
by FSF Editorial Staff