2023 FSF Press Releases, Runway Safety
Foundation Calls for Global, Coordinated Action on Runway Incursions
GAPPRI is a roadmap for addressing risk and instilling resilience.
2023 FSF Press Releases, Runway Safety
GAPPRI is a roadmap for addressing risk and instilling resilience.
by FSF Communications Staff
News, Runway Safety (approach and landing), Airport Ops, ATC/ATM
The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has signed a grant agreement with the government of…
by Frank Jackman
Unmanned Aircraft Systems, 2016 FSF Press Releases
ALEXANDRIA, Va. — Flight Safety Foundation released the following statement Monday on the U.S. Federal…
by Flight Safety Foundation
News, Lithium Batteries, Smoke Fire Fumes
A mobile phone that started emitting smoke when trapped under a business class seat on…
by Australian Aviation
FSF in the News, Data Sharing, GSIP in the News
Flight Safety Foundation Vice President, Technical Mark Millam talked to the Runway Girl Network about…
by Runway Girl Network
News, Business Aviation, Cabin Safety
Aviation insurer USAIG has added two food safety online courses to its safety programs for…
by AINonline
Press Release, Fitness for Duty, Aviation Medicine, Safety Regulation
EASA published Aug. 15 a set of proposals to the European Commission for an update of…
Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Safety Regulation
In issuing a new rule for operators of small UAS, the FAA is clearing the…
by Linda Werfelman
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) and leaders of the lithium battery supply chain are demanding stricter…
by Frank Jackman
Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Cover Story, Unmanned Aircraft
Unauthorized UAS flights near U.S. wildfires — about 33 in 18 months — pose untenable…
by Wayne Rosenkrans