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Posts Categorized: Safety Regulation
Viewing 71 - 80 of 85 results

Back to Work
Authorities set terms for modifications of grounded North Sea Super Pumas and their return to…
by Linda Werfelman

New Role for the Regulator
Inspection and compliance assessment are being enhanced to help organizations maximize SMS effectiveness.
by Simon Roberts and the Safety Management International Collaboration Group

Falling Behind
European nations aren’t keeping up with the schedule for advancing the Single European Sky, EC…
by Linda Werfelman

More Experience Required
New pilot qualification rule seeks to reduce accidents caused by pilot inexperience.
by Heather Baldwin

Expect the Unexpected
The 2009 crash of an A330 into the Atlantic should be an impetus for enhanced…
by Linda Werfelman
Joining In
A new law sets a timetable for incorporating unmanned aircraft into U.S. airspace.
by Linda Werfelman
Regulating Rest
The FAA issues a long-awaited fatigue-fighting rule, and cargo pilots challenge their exclusion.
by Linda Werfelman
Crackdown on Fatigue
The FAA aims for new inspection programs to keep airplanes with widespread fatigue damage out…
by Linda Werfelman