ALEXANDRIA, Va. — Flight Safety Foundation has released its Global Safety Information Project (GSIP) Year Two Report and initial GSIP toolkits, which are intended to help aviation organizations develop their safety data collection, analysis and sharing capabilities. GSIP was launched in October 2014 to study how aviation safety data are used in the Pan America and Asia-Pacific regions, and to produce toolkits that can be used by aircraft operators and other aviation stakeholders around the world to mitigate risk through more effective safety data collection, processing and sharing.
“Safety management systems are becoming more widespread, and 65 percent of the organizations surveyed as part of GSIP already are using safety performance indicators linked to the critical International Civil Aviation Organization accident categories,” said Mark Millam, the Foundation’s vice president, technical, and GSIP project leader. “But at the same time, there are many challenges in assuring that safety data are used consistently in trying to manage risk.”
The Year Two Report details what Foundation researchers and staff learned at focus group sessions and subsequent workshops across the Pan America and Asia-Pacific regions. The information gathered during those events was used in the development of the toolkits, which describe the fundamentals of using risk management in aviation and of how to assess and evaluate risk in ways that might not be apparent within an individual organization.
Work on the toolkits is continuing. The Foundation is collaborating with its members and GSIP workshop participants to further refine the toolkits and add detail.
“The aviation industry has accomplished remarkable improvements in safety over the decades,” Millam said. “The safety data inside organizations will be crucial to continuing to make safety improvements. It may be that safety data — properly and consistently collected, analyzed, shared and protected — that identifies how to avoid the next accident.”
About Flight Safety Foundation
Flight Safety Foundation is an independent, non-profit, international organization engaged in research, education, advocacy and publishing to improve aviation safety. The Foundation’s mission is to be the leading voice of safety for the global aerospace community.
GSIP Contact:
Mark Millam, Vice President, Technical
Media Contact:
Frank Jackman, Vice President, Communications