2023 FSF Press Releases, Runway Safety
Foundation Calls for Global, Coordinated Action on Runway Incursions
GAPPRI is a roadmap for addressing risk and instilling resilience.
2023 FSF Press Releases, Runway Safety
GAPPRI is a roadmap for addressing risk and instilling resilience.
by FSF Communications Staff
The pilots told accident investigators how they lost control of the aircraft in a wake…
by FSF Editorial Staff
Four carriers from other countries added to Europe’s Air Safety List.
by FSF Editorial Staff
Investigative authorities in 18 countries addressed a total of 88 aviation safety recommendations to the…
by FSF Editorial Staff
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is seeking feedback on its goal of developing a…
by FSF Editorial Staff
The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is proposing rules for the operation of small drones…
by FSF Editorial Staff
News, Runway Safety (approach and landing), Runway Safety (Conflicts), Safety Review
Of particular concern is the number of serious runway incursions, TSB says.
by FSF Editorial Staff
News, Unmanned Aircraft Systems
The injuries most likely to occur when a small drone strikes a person are blunt…
by FSF Editorial Staff
The global commercial air transport industry’s safety record improved by 54 percent between 2007 and…
by FSF Editorial Staff
Dutch Safety Board’s recommendations include “future-proof” operational concept for busy airport.
by FSF Editorial Staff
Thirty-three passengers and 11 crewmembers were injured in 2016, up from a total of 21…
by FSF Editorial Staff