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Posts Categorized: Aviation Medicine
Viewing 31 - 40 of 51 results

Aviation Medicine, Cover Story
Coping in the Cockpit
Screening pilots for ‘negative life events’ may be key to managing their mental health risks,…
by Linda Werfelman

Laser strikes on aircraft at altitude are unlikely to cause lasting eye injuries, study says.
by Linda Werfelman

Cabin Safety, Aviation Medicine
In Search of Healthier Boarding
Typical boarding patterns encourage spread of infectious disease, researchers say.
by Linda Werfelman
Study Points to Medical Issues for Older GA Pilots
Medical factors may contribute to fatal accidents for older pilots.
by FSF Editorial Staff
News, Fitness for Duty, Aviation Medicine, Safety Regulation
FAA to Ease Some Medical Certification Requirements for GA Pilots
The “BasicMed rule” is scheduled to take effect May 1.
by FSF Editorial Staff
News, Fitness for Duty, Aviation Medicine
New Study Sees Symptoms of Depression Among Airline Pilots
The study was launched in the aftermath of Germanwings 9525.
by FSF Editorial Staff
Press Release, Fitness for Duty, Aviation Medicine, Safety Regulation
EASA Strengthens Medical Requirements for Pilots
EASA published Aug. 15 a set of proposals to the European Commission for an update of…

Fitness for Duty, Sabotage/Intentional Acts, Aviation Medicine, Cover Story
Intentional Acts
Germanwings crash investigators urge clear guidelines for weighing medical privacy against the threat to public…
by Linda Werfelman